I'm not doing so great...

keeping up with my classes. I'm under a lot less stress with less to do but herein lies the bane of my existence. When I have a lot to do I get more done but with way more stress and then I end up going to pieces like I did a little over a week ago. So I quit doing so much prioritizing better however I end up using all the new time I've created poorly. Damn it. I need someone other than this blog to complain to. I bet other writers don't whine this much on their blogs. Oh well. It's an integral part of my personality (sadly) so readers should learn to find it endearing. I don't do it excessively but it's part of my coping mechanism. Anyway. I also had plenty of time to write this weekend and didn't. Fuck. I need to get my shit together. Together is my shit getting together week whereas last week was my dicking around and doing nothing week. I'm going to go to all my classes, catch up on my school work and write for at least three hours. No more screwing around. Well maybe just a little bit because my birthday is this week but most of that kind of screwing around will occur this weekend when I'm back in Houston.

Just today and tomorrow until I'm 21!!!! I should read up on wine selection. I like mostly rieslings or sweeter white wines OR fruitier red wines. lol. Now I just need to figure out which are which at the store. Woot!


phoebe-k said...


Happy 21st birthday!!

I'm so glad I found your blog. I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you yet and hoping we wouldn't lose touch, because you are awesome.

How goes the Muse book? Email me at first initial last name at gmail. I hope you have the best time tonight! :-)


Lola (L. Colleen) said...

YAY!! I think we're linked Phoebe because my post before this was totally about how I was having a hard time contacting you. What a coincidence. I'll email you today.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!