Just saw Hell Boy II...

and it was freakin' sweet! A little predictable at times but it was beautiful and I liked being right at the end. I won't spoil anything in case someone actually reading this hasn't seen it yet. It was definitely worth seeing. My friend Lindsey didn't really want to see it but she was glad she did when it was over. So go see it! They were really smart to bring in the Pan's Labyrinth guy. I think this one was better than the first. OH! And the ectoplasm guy's powers were WICKED COOL!! Just go and you'll see for yourself. With movies I'm not much for analyzing it too much. If I enjoyed it that's all that mattered. Although the message of it really made me sad. Even being a human myself I don't know whether we deserve to take over the world. :/ You'll understand when you see it. So I'll shut up. Lindsey is going to read tonight at Poetry night again. She's so awesome! I kind of having an inkling of wanting to do it myself but... I dunno. I'm not as good at poetry anymore.