Other people's vacation pictures...

are really the worst. Especially when I hear all about people who did study abroad over the summer or my sorority sister who's family has a chateau in Paris so she took classes there. I'm really stinking tired of hearing about other people's fabulous trips. I'm about to be 21 and I've realized that I haven't been anywhere really. *Sigh* I think my caffeine headache is making me irritable. I should go to bed early, I also need to quit skipping classes. Very bad. This weekend I'm going to get a lot of writing done. Fiction as well as getting started on my research papers and! the application I'm working on for a public policy internship in Austin next semester. I think it would be fun plus get me the hell out of college station.

I had a really awesome dream the other night that would be a great idea for a YA series I think. I actually remembered to write it down when I woke up too. Haha. I've never done that before. I even drew a picture of something I remembered seeing the dream that I thought was cool. It was very interesting. Have you ever written about something you saw in a dream?
(I have a feeling this question will be rhetorical. But I'm pretending like I'm already an author and people think the things I have to say are interesting. I'm practicing blogging and promoting myself. lol. PR campaigns can never be started too early I think.)


J M McDermott said...

I have always loved how there's this whole subgenre of photography about standing in front of monuments, to prove that you have been there.

My vacation pictures are always so wonky. I take pictures of what interests me, if I have a camera. I'm rarely in the photo. Usually no one else likes my pictures.

I say, I wasn't taking pictures for YOU. I was taking pictures for ME.

The world's not going anywhere. Wait until the US Dollar is a bit stronger. It's hella noticable when you're overseas and exchanging for Euros every few weeks.