I already know how my dream agent is, her name is Jenny Rappaport and I've been following her blog Lit Soup (see sidebar). Well... following as in infrequently reading the most frequent post. I'm a really bad blog follower. Feministing.com is probably the one I stay most current on and I only check it every couple of weeks. That's besides the point! Today I checked her blog and look at this post!!!!
I'll quote the things that are what got me so excited and explain why.
"I want the next John Green. By which I mean, I want funny, poignant books about intelligent teenagers. Mainstream YA novels, obviously. But I want to read books about teenagers like me, in high school. I don't want to read about the always popular bitchy sluts, because you know what? I wasn't a popular bitchy slut, and that type of story never has and never will appeal to me as a reader. I know there's a market out there for it, but I am not the right agent for the Gossip Girls series, unless *your* Gossip Girls series is written so well that I fall instantly in love with your writing. (Never say never.)" I have a YA in the back of my mind about a girl transported to a medieval indie music inspired world where all of her really random skills somehow make her the perfect candidate to save the kingdom. (Yes this is cliche' in YA but I won't do it super cliche' like. If you know my writing at all you know I like to play on archetypes and I think I do it pretty well.) She is much like me in high school. So I have a story idea that falls into this category.
"I want an epic fantasy novel that thinks outside the box. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most obvious one is not to do a direct rip-off of Robert Jordan or George R. R. Martin. You don't need an innocent farmboy saving the world to have a wonderful epic fantasy novel. Epic fantasies can have different ideas and yet be incredibly good. I want you to write me one that's *different*. One recent epic fantasy that I adored was THE NAME OF THE WIND by Patrick Rothfuss, which has plenty of standard fantasy tropes, but totally twists them on their head, especially with his innovative narrative structure. Stories within stories within stories. I want your epic fantasy novel to completely surprise me and overwhelm me and make me believe in the power of the epic fantasy novel to sweep me out of my everyday world. Can you write me one? =)" Wow. Sounds like my future tour de force world politics epic fantasy might be right up her alley. Sometimes also referred to as Xavier world since I still haven't decided if it'll be an alternate universe or not. Just wait there's more...
"I want an urban fantasy. I don't have enough urban fantasies on my list, and I'd like one. Perhaps it would be better to say I want a contemporary fantasy. It doesn't necessarily need vampires or werewolves, because I think those are somewhat played out now." *Cough* Muse novel anyone? A very contemporary urban fantasy novel that isn't about vampires or werewolves. Oh and I'm still not finished.
"I don't have enough romance, period. I want witty contemporary romances like Jennifer Crusie, who I adore. I want sexy historical romances. I want paranormal romances that make me love the characters and the worldbuilding behind them." The Muse novel could totally go paranormal romance too. It's on that thin line between Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. I would just need to add a few sex scenes which I think I'm totally capable of and I can already think of where they would fit in the plot. Oh and my writing is SO witty. Not trying to be arrogant. But I think that's one of the strongest parts of my writing. Oh an the Amazon story could totally fall under this too! She might also like the Lewis and Clark story which falls somewhere between Chic Lit, Historical Fiction, and Romance.
"I would love to see a slipstream novel. There are very few out there. I think there could be more. Show me what you've got." and...
"I'm still looking for a great historical fiction novel to fall in love with. Haven't found it yet. Keep sending more." Making of the Treaty anyone? Hells yes. Zebulon Pike? Check.
and finally:
"Because this is a baker's dozen list! Let's throw out a random book description, and see if anyone can write it for me: I want a superhero novel--give me your version of Dr. Horrible in book form with your own original villians and superheroes and plot. Be creative. =)" the Xavier story certainly falls under this category since it's slightly x-men esque although that's not what I originally based it on, it's been pointed out to me multiple times the similarities. My favorite superpower'd character to create: probability manipulation. I had a character named Trix aka Fortune on a super hero rpg once I would love to write her into the Xavier universe somehow.
Can anyone else imagine how perfect this agent is for me? Or actually how perfect I am for this agent. ;) She just doesn't know it yet. Hopefully by the end of this year I'll be querying her with the Muse novel and I have a feeling if it all works out in my favor she'll love being my agent for everything else I write too. It would be a brilliant match because her interests so perfectly match all of my very eclectic future body of work. *sigh* I'm in literary agent love.
Old Ideas, New Ideas
7 years ago
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