Packing Time!

I'm supposed to be packing right now. I'll get around to it. But I did get my Blood Elf hunter to 50 today! Now I'm on the long hard road to 80. It's going to take forever. :/ I'm trying to fight my alt fever and just stick with this one for now. But my ADD is screaming at me that's it's sick and tired of using Volley and then Aimed, Arcane Shot followed by Serpent Sting. It needs variety. But hopefully moving into a new place will sooth it's roving nature. Yes my ADD is a thing. Ask anyone else who has finally confronted it instead of ignoring it. Maybe this should be my topic of the day. Ironic since I'm using this blog as a way to procrastinate. Ha!
So about... wow I guess two years ago now. Crazy. I finally submitted to the test for ADD. I had been in denial about it although most people who were closest to me could probably tell I had it just from the way I tell stories. Well you read these blogs you probably could have guessed too. Lol. Ever since then I've been having this on going revelation about how much ignoring it has hurt my life. You would never guess the random things it can affect. Like being able to cook (or not in my case). Because I can and I love cooking but its so hard to concentrate on it. I always missed steps or didn't read the recipe right. Or even something as innocuous as running into things a lot. That can be a side effect of ADD. I do not have the Hyperactive part of ADD so growing up being smart was usually able to cover up my struggles. But I've come to realize that it's a part of me and I'm not ashamed to talk about it. It's just like having red hair or a big nose. It's there, its a part of me. I'm learning to deal with it, yes sometimes it makes me stand out to people, but I deal with it the best way I know how. Usually by making an awkward joke.
Ok! Enough blogging for today. I should really get some laundry and packing done before the bf gets home. Lol. Until next time.